by Troy Spradlin
It seems like every year, about this time, we say something like, "Can you believe it's 2025?!" I believe it indicates that we recognize just how quickly time escapes us. One day, it seems as if time is in abundant supply, but then, almost suddenly, the last few grains of sand slip through the hourglass.
C.S. Lewis once wrote, "Isn't it funny how day by day nothing seems to change, but then looking back, everything is different?" That's a sobering truth! He also said, "Whether it's the best of times or the worst of times, it's all we got." Indeed, we all need to make the best of what time we have.
Nothing is more worthy of our time than doing that which is pleasing to God. With that in mind, allow me to suggest two primary goals for 2025. Make it your primary goal to use the time you do have to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Jesus said, "There is no other commandment greater than these." (Mark 12:30-31)
So, how can we exhibit this love toward God and our neighbor? Below are two sets of suggested action items that you might do during 2025 to help you accomplish your goal. One set is for loving God, the other is for loving your neighbor. Purpose in your heart to do as many of these as you can. May 2025 be a wonderful year for you!
With all your heart ...
Attend worship consistently (Heb 10:25).
Be intentional about worship (John 4:24).
Forgive others, practice mercy (James 2:13).
With all your soul ...
Pray every day (Phil 4:6).
"Be still and know God" - sit and meditate.
Thank God for all He provides.
Place more trust in God (Psalm 18:30).
With all your mind ...
Read the entire Bible through this year.
Memorize Scripture (Psalm 119:11).
Grow in truth and spirit (Heb 5:12).
With all your strength ...
Serve the church in a new capacity.
Remove any sinful practices (1 John 1:7-9).
Lead one soul to Jesus in 2025!
Make / find more contacts to reach out to.
Give someone a tract, invitation card, book, etc.
Actually talk to someone new about Jesus/church.
Invite someone to church / a church event.
Invite a visitor out to lunch.
Invite people into your home.
Host a home Bible study in your home.
Be a mentor to a new Christian.
Teach someone else something about the faith.
Do the things listed in Matthew 25:37-40.
Write Compassion Cards with the church.
Serve in benevolence ministry.
Participate in a mission trip, door knocking, etc.
Comfort someone who is grieving.